Is work-life balance a myth?
Work-life balance is a term that gets bandied about an awful lot, but is it actually achievable?...
Is sleep deprivation detrimental to your health & performance?
I spent years struggling with my sleep. It took a long time for me to master the art of sleeping...
At what point do you stop and pay attention to your health?
Are you one of those people who refuses to go to the doctor's even when your foot is hanging off,...
Hitting the wall when you’ve been doing so well
You’ve made a positive change and you’ve been doing so well with it and feeling great. And then, out of nowhere, things change. You lose momentum, get distracted by life and feel like you’ve hit a wall. So, what’s really behind this cycle of events that always seems to happen at some point along a journey of change?
Permission to breathe deeply
A client used this phrase in her session this week and I really liked it as a summary of what she needed to make her feel calm and in control again.
She’s a busy lady:
How do you see yourself?
I know that might sound a bit corny, but I can’t think of a better way to sum the topic up!
You see, when I say ‘stepping into your power’ I don’t only mean enabling you to perform at your best every day.
I also mean truly believing in yourself.
Unwavering faith in who you are and that you are where you are meant to be.
What’s True For You?
I’ve always been very logical and reasoned in my approach to things, but I also find it fascinating to know how and why things work (or don’t!), particularly when it comes to the human body & mind.
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